Monthly Classroom Fees
2024-25 Monthly Classroom Fees
9:00 am - 1:30pm
18 Month olds*
WF $ 258.00
*Children enrolling in the toddler class need to be
18+ months old & walking by the start of school in August.
2 yr olds
TTh $ 258.00
MWF $350.00
M-F * $ 535.00
*Combined MWF/TTh sections
3 yr olds
TWTh $350.00
M-F $ 535.00
4 yr olds
TWTh $ 358.00
M-F $ 546.00
5 yr olds (PreK class)*
M-F $ 546.00
*PreK enrollment is for children who are 5 before
the start of school or are turning 5 prior to January 31, 2025.